The Club Background

Member PGI [A.0218]

logo_pgi PROPCON Golf Club had been a member of PGI (Persatuan Golf Indonesia) - Indonesian Golf Association since January, 7 2011, with member registration number # A.0218. By a member of PGI, the handicap card index released by PROPCON will be recognized as the official handicap card, which can be used at all golf courses in the world.

For More info about PGI, please click THIS link, or click the the left image.


  profile Fransisco Noriega profile Gedion_Hartono profile Surya_Sentosa profile VH Gadjahmada
  Chairman Vice Chairman General Manager General Secretary
  profile eric prawira profile Marc Dressler profile Rinaldy Macellak profile Giri Prabowo
  Treasury Captain WD Rules & Tournament Org Director
  profile Deden Sarjana profile Desmond Kandiawan profile Hari Murti profile Melati
  Director Director Director Secretary


On a crisp and perfect morning, a few men went out and had a game of golf together, came back and tossed around an idea - to form a Property and Construction Golf Club. A meeting was scheduled, and it was voted among them that they go ahead and form the club.

A membership drive was undertaken for which 32 applicants were received – all were accepted. An inaugural meeting was scheduled and a committee formed. The Club was started with a CLUB SECRETARY, a TREASURER, a TOURNAMENT MANAGER, and 2 COMMITTEE MEMBERS.

Membership fees were accepted for each member and the club was finally formed in June 2008.


  Chairman  : Rusli Setiawan
  General Secretary   : VH. Gadjahmada
  Treasury : Koko Matthew Z
  Captain : Elman Sunarlio
  Vice Captain : Arjoto Wisanto



  Chairman  : Charless Kidd
  General Secretary   : VH. Gadjahmada
  Treasury : Irawan Nyoto
  Captain : Marc Dressler
  Vice Captain : Hadinata



  Chairman  : Patrick Walser
  Vice Chairman : Fransisco Noriega
  General Manager : Elman Sunarlio
  General Secretary   : VH. Gadjahmada
  Treasury : Eric Prawira
  Captain : Marc Dressler
  Vice Captain : Rinaldy Macellak



  Chairman  : Fransisco Noriega
  Vice Chairman : Juhans Suryantan
  General Manager : Gedion Hartono
  General Secretary   : VH. Gadjahmada
  Treasury : Eric Prawira
  Captain : Marc Dressler
  Vice Captain : Andri Herlambang
  Public Relation / MC : Deden Sarjana
  Head of Charity Program : Tan Susan Haryanti
  Vice Head of Charitry Program : Desmond Kandiawan
  Secretary   Melati


Through regular organized golfing events the group shall enable the network access to a wider associated community and to new building techniques, engineering services and products whilst agreeing and implementing sustainable ways to assist Indonesia's construction needs.



To be the most effective network for the property & construction industry providing sustainable construction solutions in Indonesia, while enjoying social golfing venues and fellowship.


Why Propcon Golf Club

There are many social aspects and benefits to playing golf. This is perhaps seen best in the business world. Golf is actually considered the "sport of the business world". This is because many, many rounds of golf are played by business partners and associates. Many business decisions are made on the golf course as well.

With a maximum membership limited to 80, members represent a broad cross section of industries, including : manufacturers, contractors, suppliers, consultants and developers, regardless with whom you play golf, PROPCON provides a great arena for business networking, social interaction or merely enjoyment.

  • Networking - Meet project owners, manufacturers, contractors, suppliers, brilliant planners and prominent marketers. The Club offers an amazing business and social network through events and our vast directory of members.
  • Community - In one of the busiest cities in the world, experience a sense of community and friendship among your colleagues.
  • Technology - Get ahead of the curve at Club panel discussions and events. Learn about the hottest trends in the building and development industry, and gain insights from the experts that can help you in implementing latest practices.
  • Give Back - Join The Club's efforts in supporting the unfortunate children through scholarship programs, and internships. We're here to give too.
  • Exposure - There's no such thing as over exposure. You and your company will be featured at PROPCON GOLF CLUB events and on the official website. You also have opportunities of sponsoring events and providing members and their guests with an update of your company. (Additional fees may apply).

Club Charter

  1. A committee must be elected at the AGM each year.
  2. A minimum of five (5) Committee members must be elected those being secretary, treasurer, handicapper and 2 Committee members.
  3. All members must first elect returning officers who will conduct the elections.
  4. The returning officers will ask the previous year's committee to resign from their positions.
  5. Returning officers will then ask for nominations for treasurer, the nominations must then be seconded. The nominee must then be consulted as to whether he wishes to stand for this position. Then an election of the nominees can be carried out.
  6. Returning officers will then ask for nominations for Treasurer. The nominations must then be seconded. The nominee must then be consulted as to whether he wishes to stand for this position. Then an election of the nominees can be carried out.
  7. Returning officers will then ask for nominations for Handicapper. The nominations must then be seconded. The nominee must then be consulted as to whether he wishes to stand for this position. Then an election of the nominees can be carried out.
  8. Returning officers will then ask for nominations for Committee Member. The nominations must then be seconded. The nominee must then be consulted as to whether he wishes to stand for this position. Then an election of the nominees can be carried out and the process repeated for additional Committee Members.
  9. The new elected Committee will stay in effect as of the next golf game. The previous Committee will stay in effect for the Presentation Night.
  10. The elected Committee is then responsible for the general running of the club, instigation of all club rules, banking and handling club funds and administration of the reward point system.
  11. The elected committee will appoint an Honorary Club Captain (Chairman).

PROPCON PLAYERS - With Official Club Handicap Index

handicap-card1During every of our tournaments, scorecard must be well recorded and submitted to the committee after tournament. All players in this list have been submitting enough scorecards to enable Handicap Software to calculate their handicap index, then the Handicap Card can be printed by yourself.
The feature only able to be viewed and downloaded by PROPCON MEMBER/REGISTERED USER. To acces this feature, please click the Icon on the right. Please login first or register to the website.
 This info is also be able to be accessed through MEMBER AREA Menu >> Player's Handicap

Our Address

  Apartemen Tamansari Semanggi, Tower B Unit 10
Jalan Kompleks Polri No. 134
Jakarta 12930
  +62 811 9189 72